The Results are in... Sort of.

Friends and Family,

I was supposed to hear from my local oncologist today to tell me the results of my MRI. Of course, I didn't get a call at 9 AM. I didn't get a call in the afternoon either. At 4:45 Genevieve was urging me to reach out to my doctor again, so we didn't have to wait until after the weekend to get the news that, not to be overly dramatic, could impact my lifespan. I told her I had exchanged emails with his nurse a couple hours earlier, so there was nothing else to do but wait. 

Just before 6:00, Dr. Cetnar's nurse called. Dr. Cetnar had reviewed the report, but the results still weren't clear. Wendy told me that it may not be malignant, and it's unclear whether a biopsy should be done. He reached out to a gastroenterologist for a consultation, since this is their area of specialty. Of course, I asked, when I might hear the results, since I'm sitting in limbo until then. "Early next week," she told me. I reminded her that this is just a wee bit stressful, so soon would be helpful. I got a supportive, but non-committal, response.

So how am I dealing with it? It could drive me a little "Mad," but at the moment I'm taking it well. 

What Me Worry.jpg

I'll keep you posted when I know more. In the meantime, thank you all for your love and support. It has kept me going these past couple of days, not to mention the last eleven years.

