The Book is Here!

Friends and Family,

At long, long, long last, my book is finally ready! I am so excited to tell you about it!

Second Wind: Thriving With Cancer is packed with lessons learned through error and trial over the course of twelve years of living life in three month (between CT scan) increments. Hope, attitude, love, relationships, removing the cancers from our lives, acceptance – there was  lot of ground to cover. I wrote the book with survivors in mind first and foremost, but thought that caregivers, health care professionals, and just about everyone else would find it relevant and valuable. The feedback from those who have reviewed and/or proofread the book tells me that the book is hitting the mark. I’m excited to watch this unfold!

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Here are a few of reviews:

This is one of the most thoughtful and useful books I've read, and certainly a must-read for anyone in the health professions. Beyond that, it is an amazing book for any of us trying to live consciously on this planet… I loved reading this!!! I laughed out loud!

~ Dawn Doutrich, Ph.D., RN, CNS Emeritus, Washington State University College of Nursing

Second Wind is emotionally gripping. There is a rare intimacy as Dann leads readers through his journey. The book is hard to put down. As a survivor I found myself saying, “I felt that, too!”

~ Charlotte de Renne, Breast Cancer Survivor

Dann's heartfelt, sincere account of his cancer journey touched me deeply. His work is inspirational and positive! I’m buying one copy for me, one for a friend that was newly diagnosed with stage IV cancer, and one for my oncologist.

~ Ginny Hicks, Stage IV Lung Cancer Survivor and Advocate


Here is a link to the Amazon page: There is also a link button on the upper right side of this page on some devices, and at the bottom of the page in others.

If you buy the book, it makes a big difference if you also review it. Even if you just rate it by number of stars, it makes a difference. Amazon locates books with more reviews higher in their search results, meaning other readers will have an easier time finding it.

It’s hard to believe that this five year labor of love is finally out in the world. There were many times when it didn’t seem real. I’m very excited to hear what you think about it. And of course, if you hadn’t already guessed, it’s really all about you – because it’s all about love.

