Portland's First Annual Lung Love Run/Walk was a Success

Here's something that gives me a lot of hope: The Lung Cancer Alliance held their first annual Lung Love Run/Walk last Saturday in Portland. It turned out great. 500 people participated. That is great for the heart - and lungs! 

My own team, Live Lung and Prosper, had 11 participants, and many others who donated. Thanks to all of you for your part in this!

Most impressive to me was Kathleen, who was diagnosed eight months ago, and the amazing amount of support she brought with her. Team Big Kat had 100 participants! That's a whole lotta love in one place!

Of course, there are pictures:


Gen Rebbecca Violet Cody.jpg
                        Look at all these lung cancer survivors!

                        Look at all these lung cancer survivors!

Stu Lori Dann.jpg
                                        Strong lu…

                                        Strong lungs!

Lee Dann Gen Violet Cody.jpg

Keep us in mind next year, and we'll make it an even bigger success!