Invitation to Upcoming Events

Friends and Family,

I’m happy to say that there is no news on the health front at this time. It will be a couple of weeks before I get my next scan results. However, I did want to invite you to join us at two different events where Genevieve and I will be involved:

ACS CAN (American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network): Thursday, November 10th, 7:30 – 9:00 at the MAC Club in Portland. It’s a 90 minute program that will start with me sharing my story of living with lung cancer for ten years, followed by a panel, including me, discussing personalized medicine in lung cancer. I believe that there is no cost. Here’s the link to the event:

Lung Force Expo: November 4th, 10 AM – 3 PM: Packed conference with something for everyone connected with lung cancer. I will give a talk on how to be your own advocate, and Genevieve will tell her story as a caregiver.  See for full program and registration. There are separate tracks for survivors/caregivers, and for health care providers.

