Hope is Where You Find It

After the LUNGevity HOPE Summit in DC last week, I was pumped. I was feeling the hope, and I still am. I even found Hope in a couple of unexpected places. First there was this:


That got me excited to look for more Hope. I found this in the Smithsonian Natural History Museum:

                                                            Hope DiamondJames Bond taught us t…

                                                            Hope Diamond

James Bond taught us that "Diamonds are Forever," but now you know that Hope is forever, too!

So now I'm looking for signs of Hope everywhere, and I would love to have your help. Share the Hope! Send me your pictures and I'll share the Hope with others. Be as creative about what "Hope" means as you like.

If you don't have my direct email address, click on the "Contact" tab above and email me that way. I'll email you back so you can send your photos to me.