Best Info I've Seen on COVID-19 Whether you have Cancer or Not

Friends and Family,

While we’re surrounded by news about the COVID-19 virus, it’s been hard to find one good summary. After some searching, these two that are the best summaries that I have seen.

This one is specific to lung cancer, though it covers any kind of cancer very well. It’s a brief FAQ from LUNGevity:

Click HERE for LUNGevity FAQs

I heard about the video below from a doctor yesterday, and then by coincidence my sister-in-law Jean sent it to me an hour later. For me, it took away much of the fear and replaced it with easy and practical steps.

Dr. David Price of Weill Cornell Medical Center in New York City shares information in a Mar. 22 Zoom call with family and friends on empowering and protecting families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Here it is:

Click HERE for Dr. David Price video

Use them in good health!

Thank you for all who have been asking how we’re doing. We are sheltering in place and avoiding all social contact. Our neighbors have generously offered to do our grocery shopping for us, and for items we can’t get from those trips, we order online and do a grocery store pick-up. We’re doing daily yoga videos on YouTube, and I’m doing an exercise video every other day. We’re taking daily long walks in our neighborhood, where everyone has been great about taking turns stepping out into the street or crossing the street to maintain distance.

I feel grateful that it is all working out so smoothly for us, since I know that isn’t the case for everyone. I hope it is going well for you.

