Counting My Blessings + CAT Scans May 8, 2014

Friends and Family,

Genevieve and I went to see my new oncologist today, but there were no new CAT scan results to go over. That will happen next month. HOWEVER…. I’ve been talking about these CAT scans for eight years, yet never showed you what they look like. Even if you THINK you know what they look like, and even if you have HAD a CAT scan, you will be surprised! Follow the link This will give you an entertaining look at how they REALLY work! I can guarantee that you have never seen this before! This should be on NOVA!

What really struck me from today’s appointment was getting the same message from three different people at the clinic. All reminded me how very fortunate I am to still be alive, and all told me in their own way just how rare this is.

First, my new oncologist told me that it’s great to have patients like me, because doctors “need a win every now and then.” He’s happy that not only am I physically doing well, but that I also have great quality of life and a great attitude.

Next John, the nurse’s aide that I have been seeing at the clinic since I was first re-diagnosed (2 years, 9 months ago) told me that it was great to see me… because I’m still alive. He was more tactful than that, but that was the gist of it. He was very surprised when I reminded him that I was first diagnosed five years before I came to OHSU.

Finally, a new nurse came in the room and reviewed my chart before my bone-strengthening injection, and was surprised to see how long I have been coming to OHSU. She said that they don’t get many people that have been coming for that long, let alone still looking healthy.

This is another great day to count my blessings. This includes you, my friends.



PS: Go see the CAT scan pictures!