Checking Out A Fellow Traveler January 9, 2014

While I was in San Diego I just happened to be surfing the web for some inspirational cancer stories, and ran across a blog that lifted my heart and tickled my funny bone. It also made me jealous of his graphics skills! Batman and Rocky Horror Picture Show? I just figured out how to add plane old pictures! You can check him out at

In reading his blog I discovered that he lives in San Diego. How convenient! I contacted him, and we had a chance to meet for coffee before I returned to Portland.

The similarities floored me. He has the same type of non-smoker's cancer as me, he's been on Tarceva for almost exactly as long as me, and he had radiation to his hips a few weeks after I did. He's just a few years older than me, and values exercise to stay healthy... like me. This is the first time I've found anyone that was in similar circumstances to mine.

This last similarity is irrelevant, unless you're me: He just went through a kitchen remodel! Ours is just getting started:

We're adding new cabinets, new countertops, and not surprising to anyone who knows Genevieve, a wild backsplash of colored glass tiles semi-randomly arranged.

So Craig and I can swap tips on home remodeling, radiation treatment, Tarceva rashes - All the good stuff to build a great relationship!
