10/20/07 90 More Reasons to Smile

Family and Friends,

Gen and I met with the oncologist on Friday, and once again got the best possible news we could hope for. We received the results from the CT scan I had done on Wednesday, which was coincidentally (or not) the one year anniversary of my lung surgery. There are absolutely no signs of cancer. My odds get better with every passing CT scan, so things keep looking better all the time.

I'll continue to get scans every 90 days for the next 15 months, which will be 2 years after I finished chemo. After that the scans will come every 6 months for three more years, then annually for life.

The scan schedule gives us a pretty good feel for the expected risk. It tells us we can take nothing for granted. Given that, the doctors are still very optimistic, based on my exercise and dietary habits, attitude, and great support. Gen and I get more and more optimistic as well, though we can't help but get apprehensive during the time leading up to each scan. Head and heart don't always line up easily.

Thank you to everyone who sent their thoughts, prayers, participation, and/or donations for the LiveStrong ride/walk last month. The event was a success. For Gen and me, it was emotionally loaded and rewarding. We will definitely do this again.

For now, we have 90 more days - and 90 more reasons - to smile.


Dann and Genevieve